Sunday, September 19, 2010

Procrastinating.... for the healthy

We all love to procrastinate.
We can't help it. You start off saying something like "I will do all my work and go to bed by 9h00" (Well, maybe you say that.... If you're like me, it's more like 11h00-11h30.)

10h00 eventually rolls around and you realize that "Wow. I have done everything BUT my homework." I'm writing this post, aren't I?

Well today the Happy and Healthy Living House seemed to have a procrastination epidemic. Lucky for us, Kelsey brought us all together for a study break yoga session. Forty-five minutes later, five of us (Angela and Jenna were being studious in Butler) are laying in corpse pose feeling renewed and stretched.

So even if you don't have forty-five minutes, even if you haven't started your homework cough cough, next time you need something to do to procrastinate, pull out your yoga mat or a towel and do some yoga! Whether sun salutations are your thing or not, do what seems right for you!

Here are a few links for online yoga videos (FREE) if you aren't lucky enough to have a yoga instructor living with you. Thanks Kelsey!

10 minute session:
35 minute session:

And here's a site that has tons of different yoga workouts:

Anyway, good luck with your work and remember that procrastination can actually be beneficial... sometimes

Stay happy. Stay healthy.


p.s. Kelsey is interested in starting up free yoga sessions. Please leave times (in comment form) that you would like to use for these sessions. Kelsey will see what she can do and we'll get back to you!
p.p.s. This is the dancer pose. You can recognize it on our door tag...

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